Greek Flying Rules and Contact Info
Hellenic Paragliding Commission(Web: http://eap.elao.gr/ e-mail: Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από κακόβουλη χρήση. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε την Javascript για να τη δείτε. ) of the Hellenic Aeronautical & Airsports Federation would like to welcome all you foreign paragliding pilots that you are visiting Greece to fly here, individualy or in groups!
In our country there are aprox. 300 flying sites for paragliding. Details may be found in the flying-site database here:
Before visiting Greece for a flying session, look up the Club Contact at our web site and find the clubs of the area in the region you are going to visit and make contact with the site manager or the expert that can give you all the useful information and of course special restrictions for the time, restrictions nearby air ports , NOTAMS , season events. hospitals ect, so as to help you planning a successful trip, permissions to fly at the various sites. They will be able to fully brief you and hopefully ensure that you will get a warm welcome and some beautiful flying experience! Their indications must not be disregarded!
For any further specific information please contact us via e-mail Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από κακόβουλη χρήση. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε την Javascript για να τη δείτε. and we will provide you as soon as possible, all the necessary info and contact persons at the specific site you want to fly at!
1. Licenses
An IPPI-Card and a national license is mandatory for all foreign pilots. Minimum ratings are Parapro stage 3 for unsupervised flying and stage 4 for cross-country flights. With lower stages, flying is allowed under the supervision of a certified instructor. Tandem-flights may be only made by pilots in possession of a valid Greek Tandem-License or a respective permit from the Hellenic Airsports Federation.
3. Insurance
Civil liability insurance is mandatory, insurance coverage must be at least 30 thousand Euros. Pleace carry the documents
4. Equipment Regulations
In Greece, all pilots must carry a rescue-parachute. Guest pilots are permitted to fly equipment satisfying the current airworthiness requirements and regulations of their homeland but always according to the suggestions of the manufacturer.
5. Groups and Instructors
If you are an Instructor and want to visit Greece with your group or students is also mandatory as well, to contact LOCAL CLUBS or APROOVED FLYNIG SCHOOLS in Greece
6. Education
In Greece, it is not allowed to educate any student at any level without an instructor license issued by the Hellenic Aeronautical & Airsports Federation
7. Airspace-Airports -Safety Rules near CTR's
It is mandatory for your safety to contact with the locals for flying near aifields and airports. Any paragliding activity is prohibited within 10NM from airports without special premissions.
General Rules
- Always wear a helmet.
- No flying without a reserve parachute.
- Only VFR flights may be performed.
- Always bring your certificate/ pilot licence
- Flying without instructor supervision requires a rating equivalent to FAI SafePro-3/ParaPro-3, FAI IPPI-3
- Cross country flying requires a rating equivalent to FAI SafePro- 4or 5/ParaPro-4 or 5, FAI IPPI-4 or 5.
- Flights must not be performed closer than 25 m to any person, grazing livestock, building, vehicle or public road
- If you are unsure of the conditions, local regulations, private property status or where the best places to launch and land are, contact a local paragliding club or a pro for assistance. An overview of the Greek clubs and Registered schools can be found on our webpage.
- Motor driven aircraft must always give way to paragliders and hanggliders.
- When flying on a head on collision course in the free air space: Both pilots should give way to the right
- When flying on a collision course near a slope: The pilot who has the slope on the left must give way to the right.
- If two aircraft are approaching each other on a converging course: The pilot coming from the left must give way
- Always overtake on the right
- The first pilot to enter a thermal, determines the direction of rotation: All other pilots joining later must circle in the same direction.
- If during thermaling a glider is ascending faster than the one higher, the pilot of the higher glider must allow the lower one to ascend safely by leaving the thermaling course.
- Tandem gliders must be given priority.
- Flying in clouds is not allowed.
- During landing procedure priority must be given to the glider with lower altitude.
We wish you many pleasant flights in Greece.
Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail Αυτή η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου προστατεύεται από κακόβουλη χρήση. Χρειάζεται να ενεργοποιήσετε την Javascript για να τη δείτε.